
Chair of Governors: Beatrice Andrews
Vice-Chair: Dorothy Hodgson

Governors are crucial to the success of the school and hold the school leadership accountable for the progress of students and the quality of education provided. Some of our Governors are very experienced, as Governors, some have valuable life and business experience to bring to the table and others are interested parents who want to give something back to the school by helping it improve further.

Sometimes the governors have to make difficult decisions about budgets or choosing priorities for the school or, in rare cases, disciplinary decisions. The Senior Leadership Team welcome the challenge and support that  Governors bring to our work, especially  when Governors are able to visit the school in action or act as a 'critical friend' to a proposed policy or strategy.

Having a Governing Body with a wide range of backgrounds allows different points of view to be heard as we try to improve the school still further. Governors are part of our shared commitment to equalities and diversity and welcome prospective governors that can add particular skills, experience or help better reflect the diversity of the community we serve.

Ofsted found that 'Governors are a highly effective team who support the school to provide the very best education for pupils. Governors know the school well. They visit regularly and receive comprehensive information from school leaders so that they can provide challenge and support in meetings'.   

If you might be interested in joining our Governing Body, please send an introductory email to marked for the attention of Beatrice Andrews, Chair of Governors

For current Governor's please click on the image below to access Governor Hub

Governor Documents