Our Vision, Values & Ethos



What does this mean?

It means that our ultimate objectives for our students are for them to

  1. make greater progress with their learning, emotional and social development than they would anywhere else
  2. have full lives, making increasingly meaningful choices about their futures, and control of their support [1]
  3. be fully ready for the next stage of education, employment, or training, gaining qualifications that allow them to go on to destinations that meet their interests, aspirations, and the intention of their course of study. [2]

It also means that

  1. Quality of Education remains outstanding and continues to improve
  2. Teachers systematically evaluate their impact, using research, data and professional development to improve the quality of teaching and learning
  3. Resources are deployed efficiently and effectively to achieve school priorities
  4. High-quality safeguarding and SEN systems are consistently in place
  5. Effective practice in leadership; teaching & learning; interventions and SEN systems is systematically shared within and beyond the school
  6. We draw upon appropriate support when needed
  7. We will be influential members of the educational community and system
  8. We will directly help other schools and school leaders build their capacity and improve the quality of education provided in their settings
  9. Student and staff wellbeing is at the heart of sustainable practice
  10. We are open to challenge while unblinkingly focused on further improvement



Visitors notice and comment on the very strong and positive sense of community and belonging at our school. This relies on mutual respect, acceptance of difference, and valuing achievement in in all its forms.  High levels of relational trust between students, between adults, and between students and adults are needed to enable individuals to flourish and surpass their previous personal best.

We celebrate the rich diversity of our students, many of whom are neurodiverse and approach interaction in unique way; every one of our students is normal, but not typical.  

Every member of the school community has a right to be treated and valued equally regardless of their age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, or economic circumstances.

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, including developing their own skills and awareness as they prepare for adulthood.

All of this sits well with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs that we teach and promote in the curriculum.

[1] Adapted from https://www.ndti.org.uk/resources/preparing-for-adulthood-all-tools-resources  

[2] Adapted from ‘Impact’ in the Education Inspection Framework