Careers in the Curriculum

Careers is a school priority and has the full backing of the school’s Senior Leadership Team. Stormont House is working hard towards embedding Careers throughout the school curriculum by providing students with access to accreditations and employability skills that will improve their chances of gaining meaningful employment in the future. Embedding of Careers has included:

  • Incorporating Careers into Schemes of Learning for all subjects
  • Preparing for Adulthood Mapping of all subjects (Careers is 1 of the 4 outcomes)
  • Dedicated employability focused subjects:
    • BTEC Personal Social Development (PSD)
    • BTEC Workskills
    • Preparing for Adulthood
  • Regular Staff Careers CPD & Teacher Collaboration
  • Regular Careers Assemblies
  • Access to employers through workshops and work place visits
  • Mentoring
  • Access to Alumni through talks and assemblies.
  • 1 year long internal work experience
  • 2 external work experiences
  • Careers week.

Work Experience

Work experience is an opportunity to introduce our young people to the world of work, and layer up the skills needed to help them get a job in the future. Students have access to:

  • 1 year of Internal Work Experience in Year 10
  • 3 one day External Work experiences in Year 11
  • 1 week External Work Experience in Year 12

Each work experience has a programme of preparation for work and debriefing to maximise the learning from their experience, which is delivered through PfA, PSD and Workskills lessons.

Year 10 Internal Work Experience

Students begin their work experience journey by undertaking a year's internal work experience in Year 10. Students go through a full recruitment process. They have to apply for a role in school that supports the school community by filling out an application form, then preparing for and attending a professional interview. Once they have been successful at interview students have to carry out the tasks assigned to them in their job description and take part in a formal appraisal process with their assigned Line Manager.

Year 11 Work Experience

In Year 11 students undertake 3 one day external work experiences, the school aims to provide access a range of sectors such as Construction, Retail, Media, Childcare, Sports and Leisure, Hospitality, Horticulture and more. Year 11 work experience is an opportunity for students to explore sectors they may not have considered and thus be better informed when making college course choices which link to their preferred future career.

Year 12 Work Experience

Building on Year 10 and 11 work experience, Year 12 students undertake another weeks work placement which is closely linked to the course they are studying at college or the job sector they want future employment in. During all of our external placements the students are visited by members of SHS staff and complete a work placement diary. We encourage as much independence and aim for our students to travel to and from the placement independently or supported by members of SHS staff.

Employers we have worked with include:

Feedback from employers is always excellent, praising students commitment and enthusiasm as well as their professionalism in the workplace. Each year students build on our reputation of sending out fantastic ambassadors for our school and young people with excellent employability skills.

If you are an employer and would like to offer a work experience placement or work with us as a school please contact our Careers Lead:

Claire Napier - Sixth Form and Careers Lead


T:0208 985 4245