Hackney Transport Travel Assistance


Hackney SEND Travel Assistance Service is the provider of statutory and non-chargeable home to school transport for eligible students with special educational needs and or disability (SEND) and Education Health and Care Plans (EHC Plans) and or identified medical needs who live in Hackney. 

Hackney SEND Travel Assistance Service provides Hackney's home to school or college transport service for children and young people with SEND up to the age of 25. 

The service arranges travel from eligible children and young people's home or agreed drop off location, to and from education settings using either an in house service or external transport provider.

You should refer to the Travel Assistance Guide for Parents, Carers and Young People for further information regarding eligibility criteria, travel assistance, and appeals or complaints procedures.

This guidance is available here on the Hackney Local Offer website.

To apply for Hackney Transport Travel Assistance for young people aged 5-16 visit here.

To apply for Hackney Transport Travel Assistance for young people Post 16 visit here.